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Friday, October 1, 2010

Faith, Family & Freeburg...Reflections on Life

If you live in our beautiful little village of Freeburg, you probably read our local paper, The Freeburg Tribune. I write a column for that paper. I will post my articles from time to time. Enjoy.

A Strange Mom
I’m a strange mom. There are certain things I do that can send chills up the spine of a normal kid (especially a teenage kid).
I want to list the ways I'm a strange mom. Perhaps some of you moms out there can relate.
___I do not dress like a teenager. My typical uniform of turtleneck and slacks sets off a grimace among my daughters. I don’t care. I’m the mom and I might as well look like one. I’m cozy and warm and covered and don’t have to worry about anybody thinking I’m trying to look young. I am not young. I am the mom.
___I don’t “relate.” Long ago and far, far away…I was a teenager. I can barely remember those days. I know I did a lot of theater and sang a lot. That kept me out of trouble. Now, however, I am the mom and I can’t compromise just because at one time I was a little flaky. I am the mom now. Sorry, I can’t relate.
___ I can say no. That’s a tough one for any mom. It’s so easy to cave in. I’ve done it. But I’m one of those strange moms who wants her kids to know that some things are just not a good idea. My kids may not like me, but I have to say no. I can only protect my kids if I build some fences. I can’t kick the fences down just because they’re whining.
___I can be the bad guy. Go ahead, kids. Blame the strange mom. I love being an excuse to get you out of embarrassing situations or tight spots. Sure, anyone under the age of 17 may think I am strange and strict. I don’t care. I’m the mom and I only care what God thinks. He’s in charge.
___I embarrass my kids. I've been caught singing show tunes at the top of my lungs. I’m sorry, kids, but it just comes out sometimes. I also sing Veggie Tale songs and about every Kids Bible Study song in the book. Singing is my thing. I try to hide it, but sometimes it bubbles out.
___I’ve been known to dance. I love it. Usually I’m in the basement where no one is watching. Sometimes, however, I start swaying to the music in public and, if my daughter isn’t there to grab my arm, I weave my way onto the dance floor and mortify bystanders with the sight of a mom dancing.
___I pay attention to my kids' movies, TV shows, internet and songs. “Is it decent?” I ask. My kids moan. When they can’t say “yes,” it annoys them. At least they understand that what they watch and listen to could affect what they think and do.
___I love my kids. Don’t we all? But I’m the strange mom who holds them accountable…because I love them. I’m the mom who wants them to work…to build integrity. I’m the mom who questions them …to make them think. I am the mom who talks about God stuff… because love doesn’t get any better than that.
I’m a strange mom and mighty proud of it.

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