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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Welcome to Mothers DeLIGHT!

Hooray! I have finally figured out how to blog! I will be entering Mothers DeLIGHT information right here in the Family Resource Center Blog for you to view!

As you know, Mothers DeLIGHT is a support group dedicated to helping Moms fulfill their God-given role of anchoring the family in homes filled with Christ's love. WOOOOOO - this is a heavenly calling, but we can do it...with God's help.

(Note: I didn't say our homes are QUIET -- just anchored by Christ. We may want to abandon ship sometimes, but we cling to Christ! He gets us through the storms!)

We get together the last Wednesday of each month at Faith Baptist Church in Freeburg, Illinois, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Our purpose is to rest (yes, we have babysitters!) and soak up the Word of God.

We'll post some of the great discoveries we make. Get ready for timely tips, Bible verses, quotes and recommendations for helping you be a GREAT Mother of LIGHT -- the LIGHT of Christ, that is!

What a joy to share in this way! Watch for our entries. Be sure to let me know you've taken a peek at a message designed to let you know YOU ARE LOVED and APPRECIATED by GOD!