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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Interruptions....God's Lessons

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, 
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
 present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
-- Philippians 4:6-7
I meant to write an article last week. I got interrupted.

Interruptions can be unsettling. Interruptions can be scary. Interruptions can be growing.

I got a call: Emergency surgery. Dad’s sick. Not good.

Jesus was really good at dealing with interruptions. I’m not so good.

When tragic or uncomfortable interruptions came Jesus’ way, He prayed. After praying, sometimes He moved with swift certainty. At other times, He waited. One time, Jesus even cried.

Sitting here next to the hospital bed, I’m thinking it’s good to be ready for this stuff. It’s bound to happen. -Why should we be so shocked?

I listen to the buzz and bubble of IV and oxygen. I hold dad’s hand.

I know, down the hall, my neighbors are holding hands and whispering goodbyes and also dealing with a sad interruption.

Hmmmm, what should I do?

Philippians 4 makes it clear. Don’t waste time being anxious, but, in every situation, pray and say, “thank you.”

Follow Jesus lead. Pray, think, cry a bit (maybe), and then…take another step. After you do that, the Bible promises, you will experience…peace.

I close my eyes and pray. Suddenly, a thought comes to me.

My dad loves to sing. There's not much music here. I start singing, “Yes, Jesus loves me.”

Someone joins in.

While attached to wires and tubes and pumps, my dad is singing “Jesus loves me.”  All of a sudden, in the midst of this uncomfortable interruption, I feel….peace.
 Next: From IV tubes to coffee cups…Stories of restoration.

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