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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Interruptions....God's Lessons cont... IV Tubes to Coffee Cups...A story of restoration

I never drank coffee much when I was young. University late-nights were fueled by cocoa.

Morning brew is not mandatory for me even now, but, there are cozy occasions where a cup of coffee is part of the culture…or so it is with my family.

Dad drinks coffee all day, all night, really. Coffee was one of the things he lost in the intensive care unit, along with his strength and his stamina and his freedom.

The day they gave coffee back to dad was a stellar day. Dad got coffee back, along with a slow gait walk to an easy chair and a sitting up pose, -What a glorious day that was!

Last week I talked about interruptions. You know the ones, the ones that make your heart race a bit and a lump form in your throat. That’s when a cup of coffee can calm you down…along with a gentle nudge from your Savior.

My article started last week with my dad in the Intensive Care Unit tied to oxygen and IV tubes. It ends today in a Convalescent Center, with me sitting opposite dad and his cup of coffee.

Dad and I hoist our cups and give a toast….to restoration…and to a great God.
-- Do you have a story of a bleak time followed by a time of restoration? Share it with me at! Your story may have a sad ending, but can still carry a message of restoration.

The point is, God can take our messes and make them a message, if we give our lives to HIM.
Do you have a message to share? Let me know!

Dad and I are sitting here drinking coffee, waiting to hear from you!

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